
Help with sociology question...?

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Question for my sociology class. I am kinda stumped.

Identify a societal problem/challenge of interest to you or someone you know, Describe a sociological study that could be undertaken to provide needed information about this issue.

Any ideas out there that could give me a jump start?




  1. OK. Here is an example. You can go ahead and research from here for this subject. Try another subject that interests you more. Same basic format is used.

    Subject: Single mothers by choice

    How to start:

    1) Do some research on this subject

    2) Prepare a Questionnaire based on research

    3) Send out or give out Questionnaire

    4) Collect questionnaire

    5) Enter data into a program or hand count answers to get percentages

    5) Prepare paper that explains results of survey and research.

    Note: Survey should be 200 or more persons

    "Who Is a Single Mother by Choice?

       A single mother by choice is a woman who decided to have or adopt a child, knowing she would be her child's sole parent, at least at the outset. Typically, we are career women in our thirties and forties. The ticking of our biological clocks has made us face the fact that we could no longer wait for marriage before starting our families. Some of us went to a doctor for donor insemination or adopted in the United States or abroad. Others accidentally became pregnant and discovered we were thrilled.

       Most of us would have preferred to bring a child into the world with two loving parents, but although we have a lifetime to marry or find a partner, nature is not as generous in allotting child-bearing years.

       Single motherhood is ideally for the woman who feels she has much to give a child and who has adequate emotional and financial resources to support herself and her child. Our membership includes thinkers, tryers, and mothers.

       More than half of our members are "thinkers" (as we call women who are considering single motherhood) or "tryers" (women trying to conceive or adopt), and our organization provides a unique support network for women who are going through these very stressful and important stages. We encourage women in the thinking and trying processes to become members of SMC.

       We have members all over and chapters in most major metropolitan areas including, among others, Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, DC/Virginia, Denver, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Portland, Raleigh/Durham, Rochester, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto, Western Mass and more. Whether or not there is a chapter near you, you will receive a list of members in your area and contact information for them.

       If you are interested in joining, please visit our membership page. To contact SMC, you can call our office at any time and leave a message at (212) 988-0993 — or send a note to SMC, P.O. Box 1642, New York, NY 10028. You can also reach us by sending an e-mail to

  2. Basically think of any problem(s) that you, your friend, or your community faces, like gangs, political problems, emotions (stress, sadness, etc.. that effect you or your friend), events in your life, etc...

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