
Help with space project, i will do best answer:)?

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hey, I'm doing a poster for my science class and it is on conditions in space. So far, I have increased gravitational force, extreme temperatures (both hot an cold), weightlessness, and exposure to UV rays. Are there any others you can think of? Also, I am suppose to explain how we have learned to cope with these conditions. So far on that I only have how they have learned to cope with conditions for 3 topics, the temperature, UV rays, and coping with weightlessness.

Are there any other conditions in space that affect astronauts? Also, how have they learned to cope with them?



*** I will pick best answer ***

- rianna




  1. extreme brightness of the sun - since it is not partially blocked by an atmosphere

  2. you could try to show the Psychological pressures astronauts are under whilst in space flight and travel.

  3. Loneliness..away from the surface of the earth?

    Away from family?


    micro meteorites?

  4. Don't forget about radiation. Due to the fact that they are not protected by an atmosphere. 1 day in space is the equivolent in radiation exposure as 6 months on Earth.

  5. How about... lack of oxygen!  

  6. The Space Station has a lot more to offer than earlier spacecraft. It even has the best free gym off the planet. But, one thing it still doesn’t have is a way to wash clothes. So, what do you do with your dirty underwear when you’re orbiting the Earth and don’t have a washing machine? Here are four choices.

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