Hi! Ok i have to determine if excercise improves health, i have 60 patients and i have their oxygen intake before and after 2 years of excercising (a segment provided below), and i have to use the best stastistical methods to conclude whether or not excercise improves health, soo anyone could please give me a hand as to what they would do and what they would conclude? You dont have to show working, just the steps you would take and why you would do so etc Right now its obvious i need Mean,Median, Standard deviation and standard error, but i'd like to hear from somebody else too.
Thank you very much for your help and time :-)
O2 intake before O2 intake after 2 years
1 33.7---------- 46.8
2 32.3--------- 44.5
3 30.6--------- 42.4
4 29.3--------- 41.2