
Help with step child and dad!?

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ok i have a 4 year old step-son his mom died when he was a baby so he thinks im his real mom anyway i dont have a bond with him like i do with my daughter because he is a cry baby and his daddy babies him and lets him run the house slams doors back talk etc. and i have done talked to him about it and threatened to leave actually i did leave one night but came back the next morning because he wouldnt let me take my baby and in sc we are married who ever has the child can keep him or her and not get it trouble! i just started a new job a few weeks ago only 7 an hour so i can save money but im scared to leave cause he might take my baby and get sustady i was only 17 when i got with him and he was 29 im now 20 and he is 32! i think he thinks he can jerk me around cuz im young!help plz! i cant live like this! o and when i say anything to him about his son he calls me a warden an he makes our 18 month old listen but not his son.




  1. Grow Up!  You are 20 years old; not a child.  You sound like you are having a tantrum.

    When you married your husband, you knew that he had a child.  You are the only mother he knows.  If you have a problem with the child's behavior, then it is your job to correct him.  That is generally a mother's job.

    Maybe he would not be such a "cry baby" if he had a mother who loved him!

    You want a divorce?  Call a lawyer.  Learn your rights.  Ultimately, it is up to courts to determine child custody.  Do not assume that either you or he will get custody based upon who physically has the child at time of separation.  Call Legal Aid if you cannot afford an attorney.

    How can he stop you from taking the child when you separate?  Is he home 24/7?

  2. Get out and take your baby with you.  Call your parents if you can for some assistance to get on your feet.  

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