
Help with studying??

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im going into 5th year and i want to start studying early so i can get in to the habit and get a good leaving cert any suggestions?




  1. i know alot of people have different ways of revising. it really depends on each individual. but i actually found studying early is really not necessery. I work best just revising 2/3 days before exam.

    it's called overstudying. my classmates who study regularly turned out having a pedantic life, what's worse when they come before an exam paper and pen, they think they know all the answers and they actually dont' know how to communicate it to the paper. result they have no exam technique thus dont' even get the great grades on top of wasted weekends revising.

    all you need is exam revision technique. one way which doesn't really require much time, is the simple go down the syllabus so it's impossible to miss anything out and you learn nothing extra-perfect for people who just want to touch grades. (a high A and a low A is still an A, so just a low A is fine)

    and exam papers; you dont' actually need to do them. just study trends and memorize their model answer (dont' even need to use textbook). it's usually the same few answers and questions.

    this way you dont' even need to dig into your notes and textbook to scrap up what you think is a good answer.

    examiners dont' give a monkeys about beating about the bush answers. by learning their model answers you acutally study straight away the correct wording they want- point scoring =good

    remember your aim is not to learn the facts and shape your answers during the exam. chances are you wont' get the mark.

    since these are point-scoring exams (aka no need to learn for real), just memorize their answers and just know when to paste into the exam paper.

    this is really the most relaxing study guide/habit you can get and still get the top grades.  it worked for me.

    i'm like so freakin lazy and hate revising. people wont' even believe it and correlate this study habit to my grades.

  2. learn the portions regularly and revise them in the weekend.
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