
Help with stuttering problem?

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My name is Morgan and i have the worst stuttering problem saying my name. I went to a speech therapist for over 4 years and saw no improvement. If someone asked me my name, does anyone know a technique that would help me right then and there? please help.




  1. I really feel for you it must be really awful to live with such an affliction.....I guess you are seeing all the people you should be seeing to overcome this problem....Gareth Gates got over a really bad stammer, might be worth 'goggling' him to see the kind of theraphy he recieved. There should be some info and he is rightly so very proud of 'dealing with/over coming' his sereve stammer.

    Good luck, don't give up, you have recognised what you need , persue it x

  2. try practicing this verse.

    peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,

    now if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

    which peck of pickled peppers did peter piper pick.

    It might work,give it a go.

  3. You have to learn to slide into the word with your speech muscles relaxed.  A speech therapist who is trained to treat stuttering is your best bet.  You can find a list of them under "referrals" at, your best source for help with stuttering.

    Try these resources:  there are videos online that show speech therapists working with stutterers; watch them and learn some techniques.


    Meet others who stutter here

    stutteringchat on Yahoo groups

    Contact The Stuttering Foundation of America as that is where our family got help. Their book "Self Therapy for the Stutterer" worked wonders after working through it step by step.  Part of the book can be found here

    Some medications that other stutterers have tried include lorazepam, citalopram, and buspar.  Ask your doctor about trying an anti-anxiety medication while you are working on your stuttering.  Be aware that your stuttering may be better than the side-effects of the medication, though.

    Each stutterer is different, and a therapist who specializes in treating stuttering will be able to determine what will help you the most as they work with you.

  4. one thing that has been done with some severe stammerers is they wear a hearing aid like device (this is done under a Dr.'s care) that filters out the sound of your own voice. Ask you Dr. about that device  

  5. According to a friend of mine who is a speech therapist, the most successful method worldwide to overcome stuttering to my knowledge is that of the Del Ferro institute in the Netherlands. :)

    Try and visit their official website (available in English, click into the upper right corner) on They give contact details so you can inquire about a course near you.  

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