
Help with surprise 30th birthday party details?

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I am throwing a surprise 30th birthday party for my boyfriend in a little less than 2 weeks. I am having the party at our apartment complex community room. The place is directly across from our building. The parking is slim to none there unfortunately, and it's very obvious when there's a gathering going on there. So I am stumped on how to get him there without knowing what's going on. Even if there wasn't people parked there he'd be suspicious I think! (The office is usually closed at the time the party will be) The majority of the guests will be his family and friends, so I know he'll recognize the cars. Any creative ideas to get him over there without instantly realizing what's up?

Also, I am having a taco bar. I invited approximately 55 people, although I haven't gotten any RSVP's yet! I think people just don't acknowledge RSVP's anymore, but how much taco meat should I get? I'd be devastated if I didn't have enough food for people.

I'd appreciate any help! Thanks!




  1. I can't top Erins answer, that's a great idea ,always make more food than you need taco meat cooked will store fine ,always start with appetizers don't start the meal with the guests starving, give them things to nibble on then break out the goods,

    55 people if all your having is tacos you'll need at least 1 or 2 full trays of meat you have to figure 1/4 pound per taco and 2 tacos per person (1/4 pound is raw meat @85% fat when you cook it it shrinks and the fat comes out so you'll have less)

  2. I would just get enough meat for everyone. It would be better to have too much than too little.

    Why dont you tell him now that you have both been invited to ___insert name here's___ engagement/birthday/anniversary party. Make it someone only you know well though, incase he realises it isnt actually their engagement/birthday/anniversary. That way he will dress up for a party, not be too suspicious, but still get a big surprise.

    Hope I have helped! =D

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