
Help with talking to my mom about curfew?

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hi! okay well im 16 and ill be a junior i highschool this year and i want to start going out more to parties and doing other stuff with my friends. i want to get a later curfew its like 1130 now...thats like really early for a 16 yr old right?

but also my big problem is if someone invites me to do something/hangout at like 7 or 8 pm (like they call then and ask if i want to come over) my mom wont let me go out.....even tho my curfew is 1130. i think she feels like it isnt safe for me to be driving in the dark or something idk! but its really bugging me because ive had to pass up so many opprutunitys to go to a party or just stn with a friend!

help please! how can i get her to stop this! thanks!




  1. 11:30 is late enough for a teen girl..  in many areas the city/county sets the curfew..  your mom has no say about it!

    As far as leaving at 7 or 8, this is something to talk to your mom about and find out why she doesnt like you leaving this late.

  2. my junior year during the weekend i was allowed out til whenever but during he week my parents were pretty strict so just try to make a deal with them about weekends and weekday's and if you are really responsible then they should be okay

  3. I'm 14 and I'm aloud to stay out as late as I want. But its because my mother trusts me and I'm drugfree and I'm not stupid. Just talk to your mom and tell her you'll be responsible and all that.

  4. 1130 is VERY reasonable for a 16yr old. Be lucky you even get that.. and you mom is right to not let you out for those reasons. Im not sure what the local curfew is in your area, but the curfew in my area is 10, so if you get caught outside that late without an adult you can get pulled by a cop or even fined. Think about your own safety as well, its not all about the parties and you wont die if you miss some... besides .. all the best parties are in college and no curfew there! ^_^

  5. im the same and let her know that she can trust u!

    just talk to her calm and go slow!!!!!!1

  6. If someone calls and asks you to go out maybe they can come and pick you up. That might ease yur mom's mind. See if that would be ok with her if u don't drive. That may help.

  7. some states actually require people under 18 to be in at a certain time, like 11.

    you may want to check that out before asking her.

    show her you're responsible.

    keep your room cleaned.

    how around the house A LOT!

    keep your grades up.




  8. It really depends on how much trust there is between your mother and you.  If she doesn't think you are going to be responsible with the time she allows you to have, she's going to take it away.  11:30 isn't early for a 16 year old anyways.  I'm 17 and though I don't have a curfew during the summer, during the school year my dad likes me to be home at 9:30.  Set up a test stage with your parents and say you know like just let me prove it to you that I can come home from a party sober or whatever and they might be more leniant after that test stage.

  9. get somebody else to drive not you you should go out about 6:00 p.m. so if somebody invites you , you can just go then call your mom and tell her you are out with some friends and tell her you are not driving plus tell her you will be back later

  10. Choose a good time to talk to her, like after dinner. DO NOT Throw A Strop or she might limit your curfew even more. Explain what you've said about going to parties, but promise her you will act responsibly. Hopefully she felt the same when she was younger so she will be able to empathise with you. Good Luck! (=

  11. Just sit with her and talk about it. If you're a good student, help around the house, and do other responsibilities she'll see you can be responsible to stay out late. Just act mature and she'll treat you like you mature enough to stay out and gain her trust.

  12. Your curfew could be that time because of the laws where you live. I know in most places in Virginia, it's 11:00 for anyone under 18. So you may want to check that out before you go asking her for longer. Personally, I don't think 11:30 is unreasonable... I wish my curfew had been that when I was 16. I had to be home by 11 or I was grounded for a week.

    **EDIT** And trust me, if your state law says there's a curfew... you do NOT want to be out after it... if you get caught, you get a major fine and have to go to a class for like 8 hours on a saturday.

  13. Well in most states your curfew for driving is 10 or 11 for driving a car. I think your mom is soooo great for keeping the curfew. I think your mom must love you very much and she is trying to keep you safe and she also knows what goes on after parents are out of the picture. She wants you to have fun therefore, already being able to stay out until 11:30, but she also as a parent needs to keep you safe. I think your mom is so correct, sorry.

  14. just talk her into it. tell her your not going to get hurt. that you can handle it. make her feel like she can trust you. cause trust is the key to your freedom. ive learned that. and if she trusts you she will let you do more. so just get her to trust you more.

  15. Plead and beg and beg. Trust me if you try to handle it reasonably she will say no. So just be persistant and mention it everytime she talks to you. It works.

    You can try to prove to her that you are a responsible driver at night.

  16. She is being a little strict about the 7-8 pm hanging out thing.   Just tell her you would like to understand why she tells you no even though it's not near your curfew, and be nice!

    Sorry, but I think 11:30 is more than reasonable for a 16 year old.  Mine was 10 in 10th grade, 11 in 11th grade, midnight in 12th grade.  After I went to college, I no longer had a curfew when I came home to visit.

  17. Tell her that if you get in any trouble that you understand that you and only you will fix the situation! That's why parents hang on so hard is that they have to face the situation and handle it. However, you have to mean it when you say it to her!!!

  18. your lucky your curfew is 1130

  19. 11:30 is NOT "really early" for anyone--that's pretty d**n late for you to be out. I wouldn't let you be out on your own past 10.

  20. arent you suppose to be in highschool?? your suppose to be in junior high when your like 13 and 14???

  21. Not really.You have to prove to her that you are worthy of

    this modification in curfew.You can try bringing friends over to meet your Mom,that way she gets to see them in person,(what there character is like.

  22. Just flat out tell her that she can't control your life forever, and you have to hang out w/ your friends once in a while. But not in a stuck up voice, or risk making it worse.

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