
Help with tax question please!?

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Back in March I filed my taxes online at Turbotax. After waiting over a month I checked back with the website for the status, and come to find out my return was rejected. Evidently the adjusted gross income I reported wasn't what the IRS or government had on file. How can I rectify this situation? I have yet to get ahold of someone at the IRS phone number. I went to a local office representing the IRS and they were just as clueless as myself. So far I decided I would just mail my taxes in along with the w2's and my pay check stubs. Is there anyway to provide them proof that I previously filed and it was rejected? Anything else I ought to be aware of? Thank you in advance =)




  1. File a paper return to the address that you mail your returns.  You only need to file your return with the Form W2.  You do not need to send in your bank statements.  

    Like the other answer here if you do not owe, the IRS does not usually assess penalties.

    The fact that is was rejected really does not have any to do with helping you.  The IRS will consider the return being filed late.  Again no big deal as long as you don't owe.  But for your information the IRS can check and see your return was rejected.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You should have checked it right away to be sure it was accepted.  But go ahead now and file by mail - if you have a refund coming, there won't be a penalty.

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