
Help with teaching memorization?

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ok well my sister is 5 almost 6 and going into first grade she doesnt no how to read and it upstes me bcuz i believe education is the best gift over anything we were reading the Dr Seuss B book but she refuses to listen to me and im just trying to help it had the word beautiful i tried to tell her eau is uuuuuu like you and she said what and she has always know wat sound t made like top she looks at me in confusion and i say what is our song who let the a's out ay ay ay to that tune with every letter and she doesnt remember them anytips on how i can get her to remember its summer we have no more school left D: and she had a bad teacher that scolded her wen not doing somethin right so any ideas on how i could get her to remember her letter sounds im already making her flash cards any other ideas




  1. write whatever it is that she is working on at the time on an index card and tape one to all the doors in the house, snack cabinet, toybox lid, etc.. any time she wants to go through a door, or into the fridge, snacks, toybox she will need to read the card to someone first. I did this with my children and they learned their alphabet, colors, color words, numbers, and my daughter who will start kinder next year is learning some easy sight words already too.

  2. I'm not sure I entirely understand as your grammar is hard to understand.

    Anyhow, the approach you are taking does not work for all children. If she is having a difficult time reading a word like beautiful could be scary.

    Most children do respond to "this is D, D sounds like duh" and can sound out their words when learning to read. However many can not. Search some teaching internet sites, ask one of your own teachers or suggest to your parents to put her into an alternative learning program like Sylvin (sp?) or "hooked on phoenix" although its phoenix she is not getting.

    Try just reading beginner books to her and have her look at the page and point your finger along as you read.

    She may also have a learning disability.

  3. Wow!

    First we have to teach you how to write, spell and use proper grammar.  Have you heard of commas, periods and question marks?

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