
Help with the Xbox 360 System + Accessories?

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I'm thinking about getting an Xbox 360 for my husband and me. We aren't interested in online gaming, and would mostly want to play first-person shooter games where we can play as a team (rather than against each other). I've got a couple of questions about the systems and games available.

First, the main difference between different Xbox 360 systems seems to be HD space. How much space do I need? We don't want to play music on the system, or go online. But I don't want to skimp if it will degrade game performance, either.

Second, what other accessories should I plan on buying for a good gaming experience? Wireless consoles? Anything else?

Third, are there many first-person shooter games that allow for collaborative play? I don't want us to have to play against each other, but instead want us to play on the same team.

About eight years ago, I used to play offline computer games like Delta Force or Hidden and Dangerous with a bunch of guys. We would all play on the same team, combating a bunch of n**i's or Aliens. I'm looking for the same experience in a gaming system. I don't want to spend a bunch of money only to discover that I can't get the same type of collaborative, offline game play from a gaming system. I'm also trying to get a feel for how much I'll have to spend.

Thanks for all your advice.




  1. kewl


    halo3 is really good gears of war army of two hyalo2

  2. I would recommend you to get a PS3 instead. With PS3, you will get the best console available on the market PLUS the best blu-ray player. That was a fact not based on my opinion. The reason why it is the best console is because of its technological abilities and it is also a very reliable electronic unlike xbox 360's 33% chance of getting Red Rings of Death... It is the best blu-ray player because the blu-ray drive can be updated to support new kinds of blu-ray discs in the future so it is future-proofed.

    There are also many shooters on the PS3 that fits your needs.

    - Resistance: Fall of Man

    - Resistance 2

    - Rainbow Six Vegas

    - Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    - Army of Two(third person shooter, but a great co-op game)

    - Haze

    - Killzone 2


    also the PS3 has free online gaming unlike Xbox Live where you have to pay $50 a year. Since you dont want to play online, but you may be interested trying out online in the future and you dont want to shell out $50 just for online instead of a new game

    EDIT: also if you buy all necessary accessories for Xbox 360, it will cost well over PS3's price and the PS3 comes with all necessary accessories that you would buy for Xbox 360(HDD, Wi-fi Adapter, Rechargeable batteries, etc)

  3. ok my ex gf and i had the same exact problem.

    (she moved)

    she wanted to play games together with me but not against me.

    shooter games.

    best thing to do is buy two consoles.

    most good games will not allow two players to play on the same console.

    wireless or wired it really doesnt matter.

    two LCD monitors or TVs. They are cheap now.

    you want two headsets if you are going to play in different rooms.

    my ex wanted to play while cuddling so she didn't like the separate room thing. its upto you.

    keep in mind if you get PS3s you can also watch blu ray movies.

    xbox 360. get the largest harddrives in case you want to download games.

  4. I started gaming when I hit my 40th birthday. I wanted to try something different, and I have been hooked ever since. This Generation, I bought an Xbox 360 and Wii. The xbox 360 is all I play now. Yeah, I know the Wii is suppose to appeal to us older crowd, but I am more than a casual gamer.  Anyway, there are several suggestions I have in buying accessories for the Xbox.

    1) XBox Live -I know you don't want to online game, but there are other features, such as downloading free demos of games (Which can help you decide if you want to buy a game or not). Xbox Live Arcade...some of the games are great! Ability to rent DVD's and watch them on the Xbox 360.

    2) Wireless Adapter - This depends on how your home internet is setup. If you have a wireless router that is connected to your cable modem...this accessory allows you to move your Xbox 360 to any room in the house and still be connected to the internet.

    3) Storage Size- if you are just saving games and not going online or downloading any demo's...then 20GB would be enough (Note that with all the software this really is only 13.9GB of free space).  I bought the Xbox premium with a 20GB....then realized it was not enough space and bought a  120GB drive.  The cost was OVER what I would have payed for the xbox 360 Elite that comes with the 120gb the Xbox 360 Elite...In the long run, it is cheeper!

    4) Chargers for the Controllers and an extra Controller. Don't waste money on batteries. Buy a power pack and charger for you controllers, and since you both want to play together...get that second controller.

    Note: with XBox 360 do not buy used!!! Earlier Xboxes were made with a smaller heatsink and ran hotter...many of them suffered from the "Red Ring of Death" which ment only one thing....your unit is dead and you need to send it back to Microsoft. Many people have these older systems and even after microsoft fixed some, they are sure to break again. Get yourself a new unit with the new heatsink (Anything made in 2008 should be ok) I have had mine for 7 months...never a problem, and I play for hours.

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