i got this new awesome cam.. i know how to use it, except the manual mode... just some questions, if anyone can answer any, i would be very thankful...
-how can i take b/w or sepia pix ?
-in the manual mode, the brightness is -3 so my pix are veryyyy dark... how can i make it brighter ?
-when i make the shutter speed higher, the cam takes picture faster, making moving subject that i am shooting, not look blurry... right ? well, how can i achieve the fastest way to take a picture ( for example a drop of water splashing )
- how can i achieve the best indoor incandescent pictures ( i mean taking pictures at night, inside, with a low light room )
- last question, like the previous one, how can i take picture of night scenes, like a city or whatever, without getting it blurry or dark or stuff like that.
thank you so much for helping me !