I failed my one hour glucose test because I ate BK breakfast and had a big Hi-C on the way there. (Nobody told me to fast, and NO I do not eat like that normally, just that day) .. and now I have to do the three hour test. Of course, I wouldn't have known this, because my doctor's office never even called to tell me this, I had to call & ask. (They are a bunch of morons and you wouldn't believe the c**p they've done since I've bee going there. I want to switch but there is nowhere around here to go.) Anyway, how can I make it through this test? The first one, where you drink HALF that amount of glucola and only have it in for an hour and get blood drawn one time had me so sick. I'm already nauseated & dizzy 24/7, I'm even on meds for it to keep food down. Now I have to go in on an empty stomach, drink DOUBLE that glucola, and get blood drawn five times? (Yes, my doctor's is five times, some are four, I know) .. but how can I make it through this? I'm so scared. I hate needles in the first place. I'm scared I won't be able to do it! Help!?