
Help with these fill in the blanks on u.s. history?

by  |  earlier

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1. Commercial goods of great value that were not made in England and were imported into the colonies were listed as _____.

2. The war launched by the Wampanoags and Narragansetts that disrupted the economy of New England in the 1670's was_____.

3. The ____ in England put William and Mary on the throne and deposed the Catholic King James II.

4. The _____ of the 1630's and '40's brought approximately 20,000 persons to New England.

5. The most dramatic demographic difference that contrasted Chesapeake society with that of New England was the ____.

6. To establish a more favorable balance of ____, a nation seeks to export more than it imports

7. The social class which politically and economically dominated Chesapeake society was the ____.

8. Rather coming directly from Africa, most slaves who reached North America before 1680 came from ____.




  1. these questions read like they were written right out of a text book. i say skim the chapter and you'll find all the answers. barring that, there's this secret little website i use when i need to look stuff like this up, it's called wikipedia. don't let the word out though, let's keep that between you and me.

  2. 6. Trade

  3. yeah do your own homework sped.


  4. 3.  Reformation

    8.  West Indies

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