
Help with things to do with a 13 year old boy?

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okay so the deal is that my neighbor has his 13 year old visiting for the summer and he has to work n he asked me to i guess babysit him ..the thing is the kid is quiet doesn't really do anything sits around in his dads house and sits on the computer i wanna take him places n i have no idea what a 13 year old boy would like.. i asked a lot of my guy friends and none of em have any idea video games k i guess we can play em but like something to do outside..

please help me




  1. No brainer! Get him to do some of your yard work. After he helps you around the place, take him somewhere to eat, then go to a matinee (Dark Knight).

    Next day, take him to help you wash/detail your car. After that, go for sodas and a ride to some of the cool spots where you live.

    One night, go with a couple friends and make a campfire, do smores, hotdogs, radio, soccer/volleyball.  

    Have HIM show you a couple video games at your place; while playing there you can ask him what he likes to do and go from there. Whatever you do, NO FREEBIES! Don't spend money on him just because he's there. Let him feel like he's earning his fun or it will ruin his self-esteem.

    There are usually skate parks in most towns, go there, take an easy lunch. Have him paint your garage, wash-down your driveway...weed the garden, etc.

    Bottom line is: make a memory.  If all he does there is what he does back in his town, he won't remember a thing.  Give him something to look back on and have a basis for a moral-story later.  School is starting back up soon...what would YOU have like to have done if you could go back to 13? (Think outside the mall!)

  2. Um, I'm a 15 year old boy, I enjoy video games most of the day too. But whenever I get a chance to, I love to play tennis... so try to get him involved in a sport. I also love to get together with friends, but if he's visiting, he probably doesn't have any around your neighborhood. But if you can introduce him to some friends, maybe take them to laser tag... skating... whatever, doesn't really matter. Other than that... the beach is cool, and so is swimming, so yeah, just figure out some stuff that you'd like to do that involves physical activity and he'll probably enjoy it too. But in all honesty, when I was 13, there was nothing you could do to unglue my eyes from the computer, so yeah, it's kind of hard to figure out fun stuff at that age.

  3. I would say to a baseball or football field to just mess around

  4. take to a six flags or water park. Go karts would be really cool for him, swimming.  go outside and play sports, pass a baseball

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