
Help with this dream please?

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I was in this boat somewhere and i could tell it was like in the mid fifties by the way everyone was dressed and its really dark then i see my best friend jumping off i screamed for her to stop she just looked straight at me and she jumped.i ran and tried to tell somebody but no one saw or heard me then my best friend appeared in front of me and said everything is okay but she said it in a sad voice then she said she had to go and not come back then she left again....

please tell me what this means i dont want to tell my best friend because i dont want to freak her out even though shes into this kind of stuff




  1. It sounds as though your bestf is thinking of suicide and nothing you do or say will stop it.  She came back long enough to tell you she was okay, and then she had to go.  Sounds like it was meant to be this way.

    TX Mom

  2. Slight chance: You had a prophetic dream, and your friend is going to die.

    Most likely:  There is a decision your friend has made in her life that is bad for her.  You desperately want to keep her from doing so, but you feel like there's nothing you can do.

    If she's into dream interpretation, then you shouldn't worry about telling her.  She'll know that it's not a literal interpretation, and it won't scare her.

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