
Help with this question I have please?

by Guest33822  |  earlier

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Ive researched the internet most this day with no joy. My question is.......why may priority be needed to establish one persons right over another?




  1. I don't understand why someone would want to have rights Over another person, but a person does need to make it their priority to know their rights in order to properly exercise them in unjust situations.

  2. does your book not give examples, or is there any txt in your book,  that  shows where it was done in other situations ??

    i googled  establish one persons rights over another why is priority needed, came up with a few things including

    Rights  (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy )   i do not know if you already found that and it was not suitable,   also i do not know in what context you have to write this but  what about abortion  as this is illegal in my country, there are occasions when continuing a pregnancy may endanger the mothers life,  then who do you prioritise, the life of the mother or the life of the child  ???    As  the right to life is one of our basic human rights

  3. You may never find the answer, because the question makes NO sense.

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