
Help with this sentence!!!?

by  |  earlier

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There are these ukranian kids who speak very fast russian. i want to say "I understand what you are saying" or something like it, just to freak them out. Please give english pronunciation. Thanks!

[[10 points.]]




  1. Ha...Well just find someone who can teach you say something like that. It is better when you hear it yourself. All these russian words written in english will not make it easier.

  2. LOLOL

    fowh vhwq ch rtirtfhdrpq t hierh a; CRIRE HTHHgjor rhcrighn rhg hgrhg  nvahg hre gr...

  3. Ya vas po-nee-Mah-yu (Mah is where the stress is)


    Ya po-nee-Mah-yu chto vy govo-Ree-te

  4. ya vas ponimayu

  5. You can probably try to say I understand you in Russian but chances are it'll be so butchered they won't be able to make it out anyway (no offense its just a hard language to learn not to mention for a non Russian speaker to try and pronounce)

  6. Say "Fu-Kuyo" It's one word so say it fast.

  7. I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING!.!.!.!   good luck:)

  8. I think a simple "I understand you!" will work. :)

    If talking to both kids, say: Ya  vas  puh-ni-MA-yoo!

    If talking to only one kid: Ya  tib-YA  puh-ni-MA-yoo!

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