
Help with training baby Budgie.?

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I have a baby budgie 4 weeks out of the nest not hand trained. I got him last Wed when he was 3 weeks out of the nest. I was told not 2 clip his wing & 2 just talk 2 him 4 the 1st week in the cage. Then 2nd week 2 start putting my hand in the cage do this 4 a week. Then week 3 put my hand under his chest & try 2 get him on my finger. I have just started putting my finger in the cage he flew out yesterday & hit everything. So today i have been very careful so he doesnt fly out again. what i would like 2 know is if this is the right way2 train him. Or should i clip his wing & let him out of the cage so he can get use 2 everything. Also if he is 4 weeks out of the nest how old would he be how long are they in nest 4. Thanks 4 any help.




  1. I ahe tried so many times trying to get him to jump onto my hand but it's just not working at all is there another way?

  2. i also have a 6 week old baby budgie...he is overly affectionate but we got him a new cage (large rectangular and all the perches were set up by a specialist..i believe his wings were clipped which i will not continue..he falls off the perches and only climbs to them. he was stuck in the bottom grate yesterday so i now have covered with newspaper on the floor ..should i lower all perches so he doesnt jump and fall like a cannonball again? I have lowered his favorite perch..I have also put his water on the floor because Im worried he isnt able to get to it all the time. advice for a first time and loving mama is super appreciated .His name is Hershey and he is the sweetest thing ever...he also fell off my shoulder im so afraid he will hurt himself so im extra careful and only sit with him now as well.

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