
Help with understanding drug test results?

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took a 5 panel drug test for my employment. I currently take prescribed Oxycodone and hydrocodone and I tested positive for codeine but the lab tech is saying I failed because of codeine . My pharmacist say absolutely I will test positive for codeine but the lab tech says no. What is the truth. This is my job and I can't get a right answer




  1. You are probably taking Percocet which contains Oxycontin and Acetaminophen and Codeine. Get a copy of your medicines from the Pharmacy which tells you what it is for, the ingredients of it's makeup, and side affects. Take that to the Lab Technician so you will have something in writing  to talk with them about it, and maybe you can get the Oxycontin without the codeine. Your Company's policy may state no codeine in drugs and that's what failed you. If you are working where you are part of a Union, let the Union Rep handle your case for you. If all else fails, there is or should be a National Labor Relations Board you can inquire into and get things settles that way, in the event you lose your job because of the Drug Test. Wishing you the best young lady.

  2. ~ Hi ~ ! My understanding of employment drug testing is you complete a form that shows all the prescription medication you're taking and as long as it's a prescribed medication it is disregarded on the results. Unless you have a job that specifically says you can't take narcotic medication (even prescribed) while working; which usually means high risk jobs when you have to be at your 100%, there shouldn't be any problem

    You did complete a form right and provide ALL your prescription information?  

  3. Have you disclosed to your job that you are taking Oxycodone and Hydrocodone?  There are several types of drug screening tests, some of which are more expensive, high-tech, and more accurate.  The one they have probably clumps narcotics into codeine-derived medications.  If they question you, tell them to contact your pharmacist if they want more information, or get a better test...  But why are you so worried?  Do you think you're going to get fired over this?  I mean, unless they have a legal issue with you being on pain medications in order to do your job (such as a job that requires a special license or something), I don't know why they would let you go.  I would personally have a fit...  I don't know if I would take a job that screened my medications any way -- sort of a violation of personal rights, I think, but I would definitely be frustrated if I were in the position of having to prove myself.

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