
Help with uninterrupted power supply? PLEASE!?

by  |  earlier

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My cousin had an issue with her pc where it would randomly shut off. It would happen when playing sims or even just browsing the web. She made the mistake of going to her control panel and messing with something called the uninterrupted power supply and now the computer shuts off about two seconds after you log into windows xp, so theres no way to fix the uninterrupted power supply that she altered in the first place. She only did this to see if the UPS was the reason it had been randomly chashing/turning off in the first place. The pc warned her several times to make sure she knew what she was doing, so now it just keeps shutting off as soon as she turns it on, so she has literally no time to even adjust what she messed up. Im online helping her because she cant access the net...Please help me! Any helpful suggestions are welcome and thanks!




  1. Unplug the PC from the UPS and plug it directly into the wall.  Boot into safe mode or boot a Windows CD.

  2. Does she have a UPS?

    I'm assuming so because I don't think (could be wrong) that option will do anything if you don't have one.

    Unplug the DATA CABLE from the UPS to the PC.  That way the computer can't "know" what the UPS is doing so it shouldn't auto-shutdown.  I suspect she somehow changed the percent remaining to a high number so the computer shuts-down before it comes completely up.

    If you boot into safe-mode, it MAY bypass this service, then you can un-check/disable (or reconfigure) that in control-panel to fix the problem...or use system-restore.

    To get into safe-mode, reboot the computer and press F8 as fast as you can.  Then, at the boot menu hilight safe-mode and press enter.

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