
Help with validating medical degree in usa?

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I'm a med student in dominican republic i go to utesa, I just passed the premed. I've heard that people is supposed to take like 4-5 exams to validate the title in usa, my question is which exams are those, and do i have to do my intership here, or could I make it in the USA, oh! and if anyone could tell me the countries or states in wich utesa is validated that would be great.

Thank u!!!




  1. You seem very capable as a med student. YOu can easily find which counries validate medical degress from Utesa. Also, yes, the United STates board of medical exams and degrees is very strict.  Sorry to say , but any pre med student or medical doctor who wishes to study/work in the USA will ahve to take their pre med and internships, etc, etc, etc all over again.  Best to try and get into some form of studyship in the USA as  pre med student and go from there.  Many many doctors in Panama, Cuba have great reputations and have excellent medical care. What is interesting to note is that all of these doctors have studied in the USA.    Good luck

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