
Help with voice!!?

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my voice sounds ok in person but i sound like a girl on the phone. when i answer ppl think im my sister. but i sound like a boy for real!!! how do i sound like myself on the phone.

oh yeah and when i lower my voice i sound like a g*y dude. no offense to anyone.




  1. That was offensive...very offensive!

    Unless you're so young your voice hasn't broken yet, you must have effeminate intonations and inflections, in all ranges, otherwise no one would mistake your voice for that of a girl.

    No one sounds the same, especially to themselves, on the telephone or on microphone than they do in person.  I would suggest you begin recording yourself and listening to your voice and then make some changes through vocal exercises.  You can pick up many books that will help you to alter and manage your sounds and inflections as well as the way you hear yourself.

  2. It depends on how old you are, of course. But if your voice has already "changed," there are exercises you can do that will help you control your voice. I've listed some websites (some are for singers, but that's ok; and there are lots more, just use your favorite search engine for voice exercises ).

    And remember, Sk8terdude,. one of the worst "voices" on the air was the fabulous Jack Armstrong. Good luck, persevere and you'll improve your voice greatly.

    One hint, for a real lesson on how you sound, don't depend on the phone. You need to actually record yourself on tape (preferably). Telephones/answering machines are all different and will not give you an accurate representation of how you sound to others.

  3. the way you sound on the phone is the real you.  the reason you sound different on a recording or to others is because you can not hear your own voice. for example have you ever heard of tone death or have you ever watched American Idol and the people can't sing.  Its cause they can't hear how they really sound.  When you record your self talking or singing this how you sound to others.  Try it if you don't believe me.

  4. theres really nothing u can do about ur voice....

    hopefully it changes to the way u like as time goes by


  5. go to a store and buy one of those things that make u sound like darth vader, that will make u sound like a man that means buisness :]]

  6. well you say your voice sounds like a boys, that maybe because you hear your own voice differentely than it actually sounds when someone sees you, they may think you talk like a girl but realize your a boy, on the phone however they cannot see that you are a male and hear your voice for what it is

    a girls...

  7. How old are you? If you are still young and going through purberty, don't worry about it too much. All guys go through this but it will one day end and you will have a normal voice.

    If you are older, then talk deeper when you pick up the phone? I don't know if there is anything to cure it at your age.

    Merry Christmas!

  8. practice makes perfect


    my lil brother had that same problem and i made him talk till he got it right
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