
Help with volleyball conditioning

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im a sixteen year old girl and the volleyball season starts in 18 days for my school and i really want to be on jv. last year was my first year so i was on c team but i WILL NOT be on c team again. so i need help on what i can do to get into good shape before the season starts.

i need help on what kind of foods i can eat that will help give me energy and help build muscle. and will protein drinks help me get muscle without becoming big and bulky.

i also need to know how much i should run a day





  1. You've come to a good place =p

    I'm not too familiar with Volleyball, but i'm figuring that the conditioning requirements are basically the same.  If it is strictly conditioning that you're worried about, then working on stamina/endurance should be your number one priority.  Diet should come after that.  Muscle development after that and so on.  

    For stamina, running, swimming, jumping rope, and even trampolines work extremely well.  You asked about running.  Even if you use a treadmill it is a great workout.  A good way to start is to set a simple mile, and set a time that you want to reach.  So depending on what type of shape you're in already, maybe start at 7 or 8 minutes.  Work for that, and eventually the running will get easier.  Your heart and lungs will become stronger, and you'll be in overall better condition.  This is also good for leg muscle.  

    With diet, you need to be pretty careful, but if you're excersising a lot, then there isn't TOO MUCH wrong with junk food.  By that I mean a bowl of ice cream or something from Starbucks EVERY NOW AND THEN.  KFC and Mikey D's are no-no's.  If you have fast food, stick with Taco Bell or Arby's.  But an increase in vegetables and fruit is necessary as well.  Lots of water, not a lot of soda.  Try to go for poultry for your protien instead of red meat.  

    Muscle developement is something that I can't really help you with.  I'm not sure what you'll use most in volleyball. (I'm a hockey person =p)

    Hope I helped, and Good Luck!!

  2. to get into shape for volleyball season then you should start running everyday. just run about 2 miles everyday. a good tip would be to run in the early morning or at night. riding a bike would help a lot too and if you want to bike instead of run then you should bike about 6 miles a day. it seems like a lot buts its really not on a bike. those will help with your legs since volleyball depends a lot on jumping up and spiking or setting. you should everyday do sit ups and push ups to keep in shape also. maybe start lifting weights to help arm strength if you want to. the night before a great thing to eat to give you lots of energy would be pasta and salad. those work great. i dont think protein drinks help very much but a good thing to eat before to get protein, strength and energy are luna bars or the curves bars. they have lots of protein and fiber. good luck at tryouts!

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