
Help with volleyball!?

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What are some volleyball positions and what do they do?




  1. here is a really good website to read about vb

    best of wishes to ya!

  2. The setter sets the ball for a front or back row attack

    The outside hitter is located at the left front side of the court; they hit and tip

    the rightside hitter does the same

    libero is the person usually in a different colored jersey... theyre in the back middle trying to cover both ends of the court. They're usually the last hope in saving the ball... they need to be fast and quick to react.

    right and left backrow people try to cover their end and save the libero from diving so much... they can cover corners, short hits, and the short middle around the 10 foot line.

  3. Some positions include setter, spiker, blocker, back-row players, and server. Setters set the ball up mainly so another teamember can hit it. They mainly have the 2nd hit on their side. Spikers spike the ball and get the 1st or 3rd hit mainly. Some spikers are blockers. Blockers are on deffense and when the opposing team is going up to spike it over, the blocker has to jump up and try to block the ball from coming over. Back-row players get the 1st hit mostly but sometimes hit it on the 3rd hit too. They bump it to the setter and return the spikes from the other team. The server serves the ball(either underhand or overhand) and starts the play. they then become one of the above(setter, spiker, blocker, or back-row player.) Hope I helped!
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