
Help with volleyball stress!?

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so i just joined a volleyball club.I was really excited because i didnt think i would make a team..and then I made a pretty good team. However, I knew club would be tough but I dread going to practice. Practice is really tough and I just get yelled at all practice and I can never do anything right. I have never done club before and taught myself how to play I am new to it all. My coach yells at me all the time for doing things but I don't know how to fix things and she offers no suggestions to fix it. I really want to like it..but I just dread it. I can't sleep at night because I am so stressed out about messing up! How do I get more excited and not be so stressed out?




  1. you should be woried wen you coach doesnt yell at you i had

    the same problem

    she\he is only trying to make you better

  2. whenever I got stressed out during vball season this year,I would go and find an open space on a wall in the gym and throw the ball up and hit it as hard as I could. It relieved my stress and my swing got better. Turns out I got to be one of the main hitters/spikers on the team.

  3. Just try what the coach wants you to. I had that problem last year in club & saw a lot of the bench. My coach told me that I was better than I thought I was. She was always pushing me to do better. It frustrated me & I missed a lot of sleep over it. I would just kind of let it roll. ask her for suggestions. catch her after practice & be like coach, I really need your help. It will make the coach happy :]]

    GOOD LUCK! :]]

  4. that kind of happens to my friend, but volleyball isn't fun if you dread going to it like you said.  if it's affecting your school and your sleeping and your everyday life, i don't know if it's worth it.  Talk to your teammates about it, letting them know how you feel, and if they are good teammates, they should listen.  im on an 8th grade volleyball team, because im in 8th grade, no duh, and i LOVE volleyball.  if you can change your attitude you'll have fun.  ask your teammates, because they should be like your second family.  and tell your coach, because he/she should listen.  and just have fun!  hope i helped!  do it for the luv of the game...

  5. Sounds like the coach doesn't know what she's doing. Next time ask her if she has any suggestions, or just likes yelling at you?

  6. Ask the coach before, or after practices what you could work on, if she's no help, then ask one of your team mates who's really experienced. It none of those help, then quit. BEcause sleeping is WAY more important than volleyball.

  7. honestly its just because you are new to club ball and are a littie nervous. i had the same problem last year when i first started playing for my club then you just get used to it after awhile and teh nerves go away. this year i am playing for the same club and i love going to practice and im not nervous anymore because once you know what to expect you get used to it!!! and you just have to suck it up and deal with the coaches there just trying to make you a better player. so just have a good attitude towards them and you wolnt have any problems!!!! playing for a club will always be stressful, but after you get used to playing and know what to expect you'll become better and more enthused to go to pracitce!!!! if you want more help with tips or what to expect or just want to talk about ball give me a buzz!!!! GOOD LUCK :))))) !!!!!!!!!

  8. I felt the same way. I dreaded going to 3 hours every Wednesday for EXTREME conditioning. Not only that but I had to go knowing we were never going to win since we sucked. You need to remember that everyone messes up. I was watching college volleyball and a girl went up to spike the ball and completely missed. She didn't make contact. But her team didn't mind because they knew that she tried. And the thing about your coach, she is probably yelling at you because she expects more out of you. You are probably one of the best one your team. She is trying to help you. Don't take it personal. Remember that these hard practices, believe it or not, are helping you more than you can imagine. Good luck!

  9. If you just started playing club and made a good team, then I'm guessing you have a good bit of potential, but are a little behind in terms of exp and mechanics.

    If your coach picked you for this team, then I'm sure that they had their reasons. They probably either think you are good now, or will be good with some work.

    Ok two more things.

    1. To really enjoy volleyball I think it's important to realize that it is not everything. As much as people will tell you how important it is to win and do well, that is not the most important thing in life. I'm not saying don't try, but you need to remember that it is ok to make mistakes sometimes.

    2. Learn to think for yourself. You can actually improve your mechanics from just being deliberate in what you do. Watch good players and try to figure out what they do differently from you. It is important to listen to your coach, but it is also important to think for yourself.

  10. I would try asking one of the good players on the team to help you out that way your coach dosen't yell at you and you won't dread practice!!!!! And you will be a better player !!!!

    So good luck with your Volleyball Team!!!

  11. Some coaches watch coaches on TV that rant and rave and scream at everyone and see them winning and always having a job.  They copy that style.  They equate coaching with yelling and screaming.  Your coach yelling at you may have nothing to do with you.  It may just be your coach thinking that she is coaching by yelling at you.  

    You have several options.

    1)  Talk with your coach.  See what she wants you to work on and try to work on those things before and after practice.

    2)  Talk with your team mates to see if they have any suggestions and can work with you before or after practice.

    3)  Talk to your club director.  See if you can transfer to a lower team.  

    4)  Learn to live with the coach.  If that is her coaching style, you can not change it.  Since you can not change it, you will have to learn to deal with it.  

    5)  Quit.  This is your last option.  I would try anything else first.  

    Good luck.  I have been lucky.  I have only had one coach like yours.  I was cut after the second practice.  He yelled at everyone and most of the varsity quit before the end of the season.  He was fired at the end of the first season.  The team won 1 game.  The following season, the team was around .500 with the new coach and the same talent.

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