
Help with volleyball tshirt sayings please?

by  |  earlier

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I need to come up with like 10 ideas to pose to my coach for the upcoming seasons tshirts. examples from the past have been-

"heart is the difference between those who attempt and those who achieve"

"you are what you repeatadly do, excellence then is not an act but a habit."

something along those lines would be perfect. thanks alot




  1. where is the other team all i see is a bunch of shaking girls.

    there are (whatever #) in the hospital cause of (players name or teams) ex. there are 3 in the hospital cause of (tami) (vikings)

    your boyfriend said the football team could play volleyball (front)

    he has a bloody nose and his friends are all hurt (back)

    cheerleaders can shout--football players can throw (front) volleyball players can do both and alot more (back)

  2. You only fail if you do not try.

    I still like the shirt that says "People say that I hit like a girl" on the front.  The back of the shirt says "And I thank them" on the back.  

    The other shirt I like is "My boyfriend says that I have to choose between volleyball and him."  On the back it says "I will sure miss him"

  3. hitting like a girl has a whole new meaning

    i bust mine so i can kick yours

    dont hope for it work for it

  4. Saw this at a volleyball tournament I ref'ed :

    Front: Yes, I do hit like a girl....

    Back: And your boyfriend just flinched!

    Another I liked was just this on the front of a black warm up top...

    "Blow the whistle.... we've been waiting for this our whole lives... "

    Hope these help...

  5. i play like a girl and win like one too

  6. got served

    2. Hit set Spike! MAN UP!

    3. All we need is a volleyball

  7. "24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the only way to play"

    "Pain is weakness leaving the body"

    "If volleyball were any easier it'd be called football"

    "volleyball is just like football: hits, crushes, spikes, only TOUGHER"

    "Our game is tighter than our spandex"

    "We bust ours so we can kick yours"

    "Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"

    (this one's my favorite! ^^)

  8. Our game is tighter than our spandex ;)

    Life is short. Play hard.

    Life is tough...and it's gonna get tougher after I beat you.

  9. we are always on the ball.smashing is our game.

  10. well, here are volleyball oriented ones.

    10. score at will

    9. floor burn rocks

    8. better than chores at home

    7. excuse not to grow out my nails

    6. the need to take out my agression on a defenseless ball

    5. either this or cheerleading (no contest)

    4. we make tube socks look good.

    3. nothing feels better than a spike to the grill

    2. seting me up has nothing to do with guys

    1. Facials are free!

    ~bustin ours to kick yours

    ~hook up your bra straps, put on your big girl panties and... DIG IT!

    ~can you dig it?

    ~you wish you could hit like a girl

    ~may our game be as tight as our spandex

    ~get your game on

    ~cant take the heat? get off the court

    ~anyone can quit. stay in the game

    ~sure, its all fun and games. til we kick your butt.

    ~if volleyball was easy, they would call it football

    ~(list) tossed and turned all night

    slept through the alarm

    was late for school

    completely spaced the test

    broke up with my boyfriend

    played volleyball...

    not a bad day

    ~some call them opponents...we call them victims

    ~have you hugged a volleyball player today?


    ~you can not possibly know how hard it is to find a lipstick color to match these floor burns.

    hope these are what you were looking for

  11. WHAM!  that's the way to do it

  12. we are what you want us to be  

    and we achieve what you want us to.

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