
Help with website development

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I run a website for a local bowling assoc group. The website is basic XHTML and CSS nothing fancy. My skills aren't that advanced. Something the group would like to do is create a part of the website that allows bowling leagues to go in and input weekly high scores and then display them. I can create a Form page using XHTML, but it seems to me like this would take the use of a database to make it work, which I have never done and do not know where to begin. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this? I use a web hosting service for publication.




  1. Yes, you are correct, that would require a database.

    I'd read up on PHP and SQL here:

    They have great tutorials.  My advice would be to start small - install a PHP server and a MySQL server on your home computer and program with those individually (PHP for the PHP server, SQL for MySQL server), and once you've got all that down, then look at putting them together.  PHP makes working with databases pretty easy.

    Good luck!

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