
Help with weed after taste !!?

by  |  earlier

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I smoked weed today likee 5ish hours ago and i still have the taste of it in my mouth and i still feel like its in my nose. is this normal? cuz ive never had this happen to me before and i was wondering how i could get rid of it i chewd gum and sprayed purfume on myself and am wearing a shirt i wasnt when i used it. help please! thanks




  1. Get a ******* job, What are you 20 and still smoking weed? I bet you play Halo 3 all day at your mother's house. In 20 years when you are by yourself and all your friends have girlfriends or wives, will you still want your bong? And your seriously asking for drug help on Y!a? Get a cat, get some friends, or get a LIFE.  

  2. d**n GIRL...your lucky...that must of been some good weed to last on your breath for over 5 hours ago...must have been some shouldn't try to get rid of it you should enjoy it!! lol im bout to go smoke right now just thinking about it...if you really dont like something or gargle mouth wash or smoke a cigarette! Gross but it'll get the taste away lol

    good luck w that :)

  3. simple solution-stop smoking it.

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