
Help with weird person???

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theres this girl that textx me all day nonstop! I dont want to be mean, but i dont want 2 always txt her back. she just yesterday sent the same 3 txts ovr again cuz i didnt answer. so...wut shud i do?




  1. does your phone allow you to block her?

    can you tell her that your spending too much on text msgs and your parents told you to stop?

  2. Just tell her that you are busy.  Then don't open the text messages and delete them.  If you want her to stop just tell her to stop.  You don't have to be mean, just firm with you statements.  

  3. OMG i absolutely HATE people who do that...just say "look, if i dont answer that means im not here or i just DONT want to talk. so S T O P texting over and over, cause its getting kinda annoying." and if she thinks that that's mean, than it doesnt really matter cause your not really friends with her. so she'll get over it.

    hope i helped - natalie

  4. tell her that all those text msgs drive you nuts and you just delete all of them before you read them because there are too many (if that is what you do).  if you dont want her to text you, tell her plz dont text me.  its too much.  or tell her all that and say only one or 2 a day, you have other things to do too.  i think thats rude and inconsiderate of her to send you the same text 3 times in one day.  you need to tell her right out that its too much.  if you dont, it probably wont stop.  she needs to learn self control.  good luck

  5. tell her your texting bill was too high so you cant text anymore.

  6. Ugh... I hate it when people text repetitively :/ It drives me NUTS!

    Usually what I do is I ignore them... And if they KEEP texting then I tell them, "Sorry I can't talk right now." or "Sorry I'm busy."

    If you want her to just stop altogether you can just ask her to. Be like, "Look it's not that I don't like you, it's just that I'd rather not be texting all the time." And if she still doesn't get it you can be blunt and say. "Look it's annoying. Please stop."

    Be polite but firm :) And if she gets mad well... Her problem. Not yours.

  7. just ignore her.  if she sends you 3 of the same texts again, text her back and say you're really busy.. if she's going to be that rude, you don't need to worry much about hurting her feelings.  

    You could block her number, so your phone won't accept calls from her. She'll just think there's something wrong with your phone. Contact your cell company and ask them how you can do this.

  8. i'd say that i can only get x amount of texts ever month, so she can only message you a few times a week or so, or even if you REALLy dont want to talk, say about 6 times a month she can message!

  9. You could tell her to stop in a friendly way, like...

    "Whoa Girl, One at a time. I gotta go to sleep sometimes to you know."

    Or you could lie..

    "Aww man, Mom got a new plan. I only get 100 texts now. "

  10. I had the same problem! This weird girl in my great texted me NONSTOP. I mean until 2 in the morning and then at 5 AM to say "Wake Up!" It was SOO annoying. I just told her "I'm sorry, Tasha, but I don't text a lot [which is a lie. lol]. If you could just stop texting me so much, I would really appreciate it. We can still talk occasionally but I really need my time, y'know?"

    Hope this helps!


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