
Help with wood working? making a clubhouse with logs?

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how do i get started with wood working tools?

I want to build my kids a club house out of the woods behind my house

and need wood working tips

and where to get the right tools for the job?

I am pretty handy and hope you can give me tips





  1. Purchase the wood working tools package at home depot!

  2. I don't know where you live but a lot of hardwares in my area hold DIY classes in all kinds of building. Check with local hardware stores!

  3. it's possible to do it all with a chainsaw. If the logs are on the small side say 6"-8" you could cut them down and notch the ends (think tinkertoys). Chainsaws Are DANGEROUS, even small ones. learn to sharpen it, sharpen it often, and dont hit the ground with it.

  4. Here is a link to a plan that might get you started.

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