
Help with yellow paint color?

by Guest57009  |  earlier

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I'm driving myself crazy trying to choose a paint color for the downstairs of my house. It's a small townhouse, and the downstairs is probably about 800 sq-ft total. I want to use the same paint color for all of the walls, because I think it will make the space look bigger, plus I can't figure out how/where to break up the walls. I would like to use a yellow paint color that's not too pale, but also not too bright!

The floorplan is this:

The front door opens into large rectangular room that we are using for a dining area/office. Directily in front is a hallway with a half bath, and then this leads into a rectangular family room w/ a corner brick fireplace. On the opposite side is an alley kitchen that runs between the two rectangular rooms.

I need a specific paint color/brand that has goldish hues, but is not too pale or too bright. Or, if someone can offer suggestions for how to use different colors (w/ named paint) I would love to use combinations of sage, red, and yello




  1. play around with the Sherwin Williams color visualizer to find colors that you like. It is the best paint visualizer on the web, imho. I like how their color palette is laid out, I like that you can search by color family & color name, the "painted" rooms look the most realistic, and it suggests coordinating color schemes. You can literally spend hours:

    I think a color called "Golden Fleece" (# 6388) might work great for you.

    You can also take a photo of your house & upload it to the makeover gallery on this website:

    You can get color suggestions & they'll photoshop them onto your room so that you can get an idea of what it will look like.

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