
Help!! worried!!!? my periods are really late???advice please?

by  |  earlier

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hey im 4/5days late with my periods (its not that regular) ive been feelin for the last few that i have my periods as im my stomach is kinda crampy and i have breast tenderness? i did have PROTECTED s*x a few weeks ago bt im sure thats not wats rong? any suggestions

i have been under a lot of anxiety for the past few months but has never stopped my periods till now??




  1. Don't worry! I always do, but if you used a condom and it didn't break you are not pregnant I promise. I go through this almost every 2 weeks for about 3 years. lol YOU ARE OK! It's just stress, your diet, or a million of different things.  

  2. did you use a condom?, if so then you could be pregnant, condoms only work 99.99 percent of the time so... take a pregnancy test.

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