
Help writing a character referance for a friend?

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ive been asked to write a referance for a friend who is applying for a new job i want to know how to word it to make it sound good




  1. As a supervisor, a little advice:

    a reference from a friend is meaningless.  Advise your friend to get a reference from an employer.  If they have never been employed, they should get a character reference from a teacher, professor, clergy-person or other person who had some kind of authority over them.

  2. Unfortunately I have to agree with the first person who answered.  I would never have placed any importance on a reference from a friend, unless of course you were also the local vicar. An employer's reference will also give a character assessment as well - thus making your reference redundant.

    If he needs another reference then he should approach a previous employer (as well as his last employer).

    Edit: have just thought of another way around this, has he been a member of any organisation, sports club etc? if so, then the spokes person for that organisation e.g. secretary, Chairman, Treasurer, etc could also write the reference to cover: length of time known, reliability, honesty, life style.  Hope this helps.

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