
Help!!!!!Face is burnt from acne meds?

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Ok, First of all i'm on acutane. I've been on it for about 2 weeks. Before that I was using things such as toothpaste to get rid of acne! Yeah i know bad idea. AND i was told by the doctor to stop doing this when i got my acutane. SO like I always do, I didn't listen (i thought he was just exgerating) and well, about 3 days ago I realised my face was really read. ANd it hurts really bad, and its so chapped I feel like i'm sun burnt. Now I stopped putting toothpaste on a few days ago after I realised how stupid it was. But my face isn't healing and its getting hard to even wash it because it hurts so bad. ANd I have a job interview tommorow (im 19 by the way) and I really don't want to look like a tomato! Any ideas thanks




  1. As a former zit face sometimes the size of mini’s me’s ego with volcanic eruptions, I can tell you that it will get worse before it gets better.  My acne was so bad I had to go to the derm weekly for treatments and take antibiotics – if you read the full pamphlet, which include the side effects of the medication and/or ask your doctor – you will find that your skin appears to be getting much worse than when you started and eventually (short amount of time in people days) it will peel, shed and the new you will step out of the pod and take over the world!  Toothpaste is better when pushed into your ears not your face LOL

  2. some acne meds can make you sensitive to the sun's light. avoid any unnecessary exposure to the sunlight, use a cold washcloth or compress to reduce the bloodflow to the surface of your skin and use makeup if you have your interviewer and explain that you're having a minor medical emergency that needs taken care of and you'd like to reschedule if time allows...take the time to see your dermatologist, fix the problem and have your interview...GOOD LUCK

  3. Time to check in with your dermatologist kiddo.

    Use a soothing moisturizer on your face. Have your mom, sister, or trusted female friend to help you buy a moisturizer for sensitive skin.

  4. Sorry but there's no miracle drug that can cure you overnight. Healing takes time, dude.

  5. There isn't a product available that is going to remove the redness overnight. Stop using the medication until your heals.

  6. Go to the doctor asap and get a referral to a dermatologist. They will give you something for your burn.  

  7. did the acutane make your face burned or was it the toothpaste? I would tell you just not to wash your face or touch it at all. I dont think there's anything that will make the rash go away faster unless it's an allergic reaction. if it's an allergy then you could maybe get some cortisone cream.

    a big mistake that people with acne make is to try to kill their acne with harsh chemicals and rubbing and squeezing and exfoliating etc etc. the trick is to be as gentle as possible to your face. treat it as if it were a delicate fabric (which it is!)

    here is the best website ever. it will change your life if you follow this regime. I had acne until I was 20 and I finally found this site and I havent had a new zit for over a year!! seriously, you've got to try it. even if you're on acutane you wont be on that forever, right?!

  8. Don't continue use!!! You're probably having an allergic reaction. When I use some types of sunblock on my face, it stings and i have to be in the shade because the sun makes it red. I would consult a dermatologist.

  9. makeup. concealer first and then put on foundation. shimmer a powder over that. make sure it matches ur neck.

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