

by Guest67101  |  earlier

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Next year I will have to go to a public school because my private Christian school doesn't offer high school. I have been reading things lately, and everything says that it will be hard for me to go because I haven't been taught evolution in depth. All I know is that Charles Darwin made up the theory that man evolved from monkeys! Can someone please tell me exactly what they learned in math, science, history, and English in the 8th grade? Please? I have been taught using the Abeka curriculum. I know that colleges won't take that, and that is why I am going to switch next year. Will it be hard for me to adjust with the public school system education wise? I don't care if I'm popular or anything. I just need to get good grades. Last year my average was 99.6, so I was just wondering. I was also wondering if the teachers tell you what to study for quizzes, tests, etc.? I am used to being told exactly what to study. Are the teachers nice if you show an interest in their class? I am not the kind of person who doesn't care about their grades. I really do. Anyways I'm planning on taking as many honors classes as they will allow. So do you think I'll make it? I really need a 4.0? I was also wondering if high schools require people to take P.E. or athletics like middle school?




  1. alright kid don't panic! you need to take a deep breath and relax! okay now that you aren't freaking out i'm going to tell you right now that public school is just like any other high school: cliques, bullies, nerds, clubs, stress, the whole lot. so don't be scared.

    most likely you will be taking biology as a freshman and you will need to know about darwin and all that junk. as a christian, you aren't forced to believe in it but you need to learn it if you plan to get that 4.0 you want. there isn't much to darwin. his theory was that man evolved from a common ancestor as primates. (you have to get that right. if you said he said that he believed man eveolved from monkeys than your classmates will call you ignorant!) basic theory of evolution states that everything evolved over time in the course of billions of years. (christians like you and i don't believe that time frame of life since the bible only records 4000-6000 years of earth being alive, but whatever). I can't explain everything to you because itis just too much. I have a website for you though:

    This is all the things you will need to know for Biology 1 (9th grade biology) Scroll down to 'Evolution, Taxonomy, & Organisms' to learn about Darwin and stuff like that. Good luck. if you want o review help yourself out by going to and click on the link 'Biology I' and use the resources there!

    what you learned in math, science, and history and english i think should basically be the same. basically all you have to do is study and pay attentionto your teacher. always ask for help when needed and you'll get your 4.0. also, remember to pray and ask God for wisdom and strength. best of luck in high school and your future.

  2. at my middle school, you needed to take gym everyday and change into a uniform just for 45 minutes. i was taught geometry (including trig) but the normal track classes were taught algebra 1. english we read a tale of two cities and learned about the holocaust. science was chemistry and ss was american history. teacher usually tell you to study your notes so as long as your notes are good, you're good. :)

    ps you don't need to know anything about evolution. idk where you heard that from.

  3. hahah public school isn't as scary as it seems....

    if u just do the same thing u did in middle school you should be fine...

    you'll see

  4. youll be fine

    as 4 PE u usually have 2 take it for 1 1/2 years

    well my school does

  5. Hey, sounds like your really worried about this, but hey so was i, i was home schooled till high school and grew up learning with abeka books too. It's now my jr year and im doing great as long as you pay attention a 4.0 isnt that hard to get. First off the whole evolution thing doesnt matter. It basicly doesnt apply to much and the only time i even remember we touched on the subject was maybe freshman year, in science for like a sec, and the teacher was really cool about it, and we learned a bit about him in history.  About anything you have to know, dont stress about it, i knew for a fact that from what i did during school b4 i went to public school i should have been behind, but i ended up getting better grades then most of the people that have been doing the public school thing their whole lives. Science and history anything you are tested on you will learn about it first and you dont really have to know stuff from 8th grade ect. Math you might because that is something that everything builds on to what you know, do you know basic algebra? English as long as you know the basic rules of making a sentence you'll be fine, it's mostly reading,tests over the reading,and writting different types of papers. Teachers usually will tell you what to study for tests, and teaching is their job and they are usaully good at their job. You dont have to like the class for the teachers to be nice to you or like you, they are people too just like you. If you dont understand something, ask about it, it doesnt have to be during class, it can be after, but if you need help ask, most teachers want you to do well and are more then happy to help you.

    And as long as you pay attention, and find time to study a bit, good grades for you should be easy. But who told you that colleges wont take what you have learned with abeka books? My older brother and sister were both home schooled using abeka through out high school and got into great colleges. I know especially christian colleges are usually very open to stuff like that. The whole P.E. thing depends on your school. My high school you needed two semesters worth of credits of P.E. so we all took it for half a yr freshman yr and half a yr sof. yr. And then you were done with it. But good luck!

    and if you have any more questions just ask, oh and another good tip is to get involved with your school like go out for track or another sport, or activity,its fun, you meet new people and friends, and it looks good on a college application.

  6. it all depends on the school or the teacher .

    some teachers will tell you exactly what to study and some teachers won't . i think that most schools require you to take P.E. other than that i think you'd have to ask the school on how they educate their students and other questions that you have . because not every school is the same .

  7. The public school system in the US ranked 35th ten years ago or there abouts. I'm from the US ank pretty ashamed. If you're going to start public school, the nly worry you have is social. No matter the curriculum you should be leaps and bounds ahead... if you have a Catholic schoolgirl uniform... avoid wearing it ta school. ;]  

  8. I don't think you'll have a problem in high school. High schools require that you take P.E. in high school, but it's usually only a semester or two. As a new student, they won't really look at things like what classes you took.

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