The funny part is I'm 21 years old,I study medicine abroad,away from my family and home since I was 17.However,my parents still think that they should treat me as if I were 15..The thing is I'm from Greece and I want to start traveling on my own,beginning from Istambul.I have been traveling with my dad since I was 12 in conference-trips in places like Brazil,Indonesia,South Africa,etc.
Anybody would ask why do I need my parents' approval to go since I already have the money to make this trip but the thing is that they will immediately say no in the moment I will tell them and their biggest argument as always is gonna be financial blackmail(eg/ "if u want to do things that we disapprove,maybe we should stop paying for your studies,for the house u live in,etc")How should I convince them to "let" me go?I just don't want drama and argues...