
Help!!!My black Molly is sick?

by  |  earlier

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My been in this tank for about two days and its got white stuff and its got it all over its tail and some on its right eye.What is it?And how do i get rid of it?




  1. Is the white stuff like little white dots?  Kinda like grains of sugar?  If it is, he probably has 'Ick'.  

    You can go to your local aquarium store and pick up some medication to treat it.  Try 'Maracide' (by Mardel).  It's pretty common and works really well for curing Ick.

    Good luck!


    Okay, if it's more of a white fuzz try 'Pimafix', it's supposed to treat 'cotton-like' fungus.

  2. i agree with  rachelgar

  3. well black mollies are really imune to fungus. i suggest using melafix or quick cure to get rid of it. also seperaate the black molly and add salt to the hospital tank because the fungus can spread to other fishes.

  4. Black Mollies VERY commonly contract fungal infections as they require VERY hard (or even brackish water).  In freshwater, their immune systems are severely weakened, allowing opportunistic pathogens in.  I would start by getting some marine salt and over time, raising the salinity to around 1.005 (make sure your other fish can tolerate this or are separated), but in the meantime, remove any activated carbon from the filter and start treating with any of the commercial Ich or fungal medications (Quick Cure, Rid Ich, Coppersafe, Aquarisol, Fungus Clear, Ich Clear, Organicure, Cupramine, etc.).


    EDIT: Pimafix is entirely useless against existing infection-- it is a PREVENTATIVE.  Using Pimafix on a fungal infection would be the equivalent of treating gangrene with Neosporin...

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