
Help!!!New School!!!!

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I just moved to a different state. i'm fourteen and i'm going to eighth grade. how can i make friends when everyone is going to already have their own ciques and everything? any tips for the first day of school?i know i'm supposed to be myself and i will but any tips or suggestions would help. and how can i be less nervous on my first day? I will also have to ride the bus for the first time.




  1. just be really social, but don't be annoying loud.

    smile, act confident, and pretend you're not nervous.

    if someone compliments you, really hold that compliment all day, like if someone said your shirt was cute, whenever you get down or nervous, just think that that one girl said it was cute (even if someone doesn't and you like it, someone will probably like something about you!)

    try to not be the "quiet new girl."  we had a new girl in our school this year and she pretended to act normal and now she's fine!!  everyone (even kids who normally go to that school, who already go) are probably nervous too.  compliment on other girl's things too.

    the first day for EVERYONE is really nervous and uncomfortable, but try to stay calm.

    good luck!!

  2. You said it be your self! i know it's hard going to a new school but if you are friendly to poeple pretty soon it will be like you have been there all along. My suggestion for the first day is not to worry about hanging with the popular people. i'm not saying hang out with nerds but just find a group of people who really seem nice and would welcome you and make you feel comfortable. Be brave! i know you can do this! Good luck with everything!

  3. exactly wut happened to me... except i was 15 going to 8th grade lol but anyways... if you see someone that's new or lonely... you should talk to them too
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