
Help!Pain during urination/discharge?!?

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I'm a 20 year old female, and for the past year and a half I've been having pain while using the restroom. It's not a burning sensation, just painful as the urine begins and sometimes when it stops flowing.

I've talked to my doctor many times, been to a urologist, and of course an OBGYN..they've taken tests for certain STDs (that are likely to have been because of my symptoms) ,urinary track infection tests, ultrasounds on my ovaries, bladder,and kidneys, and given me all kinds of different antibiotics to try.

All tests come back normal, and none of the medication works.

Lately, for about the past month, I've been having this white discharge, no bad odor. It seems to happen in small rushes (like the feeling you get when you're on your period), and gets my underwear pretty moist. I wasn't sure if this was a reaction to some birth control I stopped taking about two months ago because I had a really bad reaction to it.

I'm just very very confused and frustrated, I don't know what else I can do or what else to ask the doctors to test for, since all of them keep saying it's really nothing to worry about.

But it's certainly worrying me!!!

Has anyone experience anything like this at all?




  1. For the bladder pain, you may have a disease called interstitial cystitis.  It is a "new" kind of disease that has only been recently recognized, although women have been dealing with it forever.  I am a 3rd year medical student, and the few patients I have had that have recently been diagnosed with IC said they went for years having UTI-like symptoms, but no antibiotic helped.  There is a new medication for IC called Pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron) which has helped the patients I have seen.  I would talk to your doctor/gyn about the possibility of IC, and perhaps try this new medicine.  You shouldn't have to suffer any longer :-)

    As for the white discharge, is it coming from the v****a or the urethra?  Some intermittent white/clear/liquidy discharge from the v****a is normal and can vary with your cycle/ovulation.  As long as you aren't having any symptoms of an infection (STD, yeast, BV, etc) I wouldn't be too concerned, but you can always mention it to your doc during your next pap smear.  Good luck!

  2. Hi there,

    What you are experiencing seems like something a friend of mine was going through after she came back from a spa.

    Best thing you need to do is keep changing your underwear so you dont end up with an infection.Also drink cranberry juice because this keeps your urine sterile. For the discharge there are three remedies you can try.

    1, Get a tampon, dip it into plain natural yoghurt with live cultures and insert into the v****a - do this three to four times a day using a new clean tampon each time. What this does is the yoghurt cultures replenishes the natural GOOD bacteria present in your passage and helps to get rid of infection- messy but works like a dream.

    2. This method burns- and i mean BURNS- but it helps to get rid of any harmful bacteria and kills germs restoring your natural blanace in your passage. Method for this is take one clove of fresh garlic, crush it lightly, pleeeeeez make sure your hands are clean and your work surface is super clean. Wrap the crushed garlic in a piece of clean surgical gauze, making like a tampon shape and insert into the vaginal passage, leave it in for as long as you can manage- more than 2 minutes if possible.

    3. Buy yourself some acidophilus, open up one capsule and first wash the area very well- do not use a douche as the v****a is a self cleansing organ and too much flushing out with artificial chemicals causes even more discharge and discomfort. When the area is nice and clean use a water based lubricant like ky jelly and put a little on the entrance to your passage. What you then do is take the powder from the acidophilus and rub it inside and around the area. Do this for at least 3 to four days twice a day and if you are having unprotected s*x its a good idea not to until the discharge clears up and your body is back in balance. Note that acidophilus is live bacteria normally found in the human body so it needs to be kept in the fridge.

    Right so if you are eating healthy its good to includ yoghurt as part of your diet three to four times a week. Normally when you go on antibiotic treatment what happens is your body kills off all bacteria in your body which means it kills off the good ones too and that could be a reason for the discharge.

    Hope this helps

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