
Help!School starts next Monday!?

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I'm going to a new school which mean no more best friends I can only see them on weekends and Summer.So I'm afraid that I won't make friends at my new school.I'm afraid people will call me short and ugly and a nerd.I'm afraid that my teacher will be mean and strict.I know what i'm wearing on the first day but I don't know what hairstyle.I have long,staight,black hair.Nothing too hard because I will wake up at 7 and leave at 8.Thanks.




  1. be confident. if people think you are confident they will feel great being around you because you are such a great influence. basically be nice, be confident, don't be stuck up, don't spread gossip or rumors or even start them because that will make people hate you, and socialize. the only way you will make friends is if you socialize. be fun to be around. be a good friend. just by talking to someone or smiling at someone in the hallway could be the start of a good friendship. good luck :D

  2. come on..don't worry..u'll do fine on ur first day at the new school..just try to be yourself..people will like u for sure..

    as for the hairstyle make it as u do on other days..

  3. don't worry about it. wait a day or 2 and then go talk to some people in your classes. just pick some people that you think you might want to be friends with and go up to them and say "hi, i'm _____" that would get it started. don't worry about your teachers, if you don't miss behave too much then your teachers wont be mean to you.

  4. aww! dont worry! my close friend left me and her other friends when going to a new school and she had the same worries!! But she made like..50 new friendswithin thefirst couple weeks just by being herself. chill out. =)

    you'll do fine.

  5. hey, don't worry about the frriend part... they will come :) just find someone who you would like to get to know and say hi. the rest will flow from there. teachers? well, i've had a mean one in the past, but you'll get used to it, and besides, most teachers are really nice!!! hmmm... your  hair... have u tried curling or straightining it? it doesn't take 2 long, i curl mine every morning and it only takes about 5 minutes. if your hair doesn't curl easy try just blow drying it and wearing it down, whatever u do, i'm sure it will look great!! good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

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