
Help!Turning my old soccer jersey into a throw pillow?

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i have a old soccer jersey and i want to turn it into a pillow, aany ideas on how i should go about doing this?

Thanks in advance

XD Abby




  1. That's a cute idea. First you need to go to some kind of craft or sewing store and get some needle and thread. You also need to buy some kind of stuffing. You can get a big bag of cotton stuffing for cheap. First sew 3 sides of the pillow, then stuff it and sew it shut. Hope it comes out the way you want! It's really not hard.

  2. The easiest and cutest way to do this would be to sew the arms and waist closed then stuff the neck and sew it close.  It shouldn't take to long hand sewing but in the sewing aisle of your local walmart there is some great stuff called "sewing in a tube" its basically fabric glue and its super easy.  I have used on several quick craft projects and its ultra durable even after washing.  As for the stuffing be sure to get the kind that won't bunch when you wash it, it should say so on the bag.

  3. turn it inside out.cut it a little larger than you want it. sew along 3 edges and on the 4th edge too but leave a little space to stuff it. then turn it the right way through the hole and stuff it. then get a needle and some thread and hand stitch the rest of the hole you left open. there you have it. a new pillow

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