
Help!What's the proper weight for a teenage girl???

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I'm 5 ft 3" and am around 119 pound/54kg/8.5 stone! I'm a teenage girl and am very weight conscious! I have considered cutting down on the amount of food I consume to get thinner! Please help! I'm sporty!Ihave 40 minutes of Hockey, 1hr 40 mins of basketball and, 1hr 30 mins

football and most weekends 2 hrs of tennis!!!!




  1. dont be concerned with cutting weight at your age.  in all honesty, cutting food to lose weight will most likely DECREASE your performance in sports.  you need a certain amount of calories (intake) in order to perform during sports (output).  

    if you feel good, then dont worry about it.  you CAN, however, change your body composition by eating the same amount of calories, but making healthier choices.  instead of a burger, go for a deli sandwich, etc.

    the reason i say "dont worry about weight" is because people will look at others and say "they are attractive", "they have a nice body", etc.  i have never looked at a girl and thought "she is attractive, i wonder how much she weighs?".

  2. Come on now!  Are you serious?  I'm 27, 5'3'' and 120 lbs and I think that's a perfect weight.  If you are honestly playing all of those sports you don't want to cut out more food because you won't have the energy... also most of your body is built up of muscle, you only gain more muscle weight with the more sports you play!  Who cares what anyone thinks about your weight, body, etc.  You have to be happy with yourself - which it seems like you're not!

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