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i need to know the answer to this question:

" Why can't we exist wihout bacteria?"

I need full details please?




  1. there would be no decomposition for one thing.

  2. Without bacteria there would be decomposition and the dead carcases  of animals and plants would accumulate. In addition, nitrifying bacteria are required to convert nitrogen compounds into nitrates. Nitrogen is an essential component of proteins and has to be converted to soluble nitrates for uptake by plants. (Animals then receive nitrogen via food chains). So without bacteria essential minerals and nutrients cannot be made available for the next generation of plants and animals.

    Hope this helps!

  3. because if we had no bacteria we would have no explantion for dumb people

  4. check out this research group someone on the message board might know

  5. Bacteria are key players in decomposing all sorts of material.  If we didn't have these sorts of bacteria, natural and man-made litter would in essence pile up.  Ultimately, there would be no usable food source for plants, which are critical in the food chain.  Animals that eat plants would no longer have a food source, and die.  Animals that eat herbivores would then be without a food source, and also die out.  And so on....

  6. There are a myriad of reasons that we as humans can't exist without bacteria, but one of the biggest is that many beneficial types of bacteria in fact live within us (these bacteria are referred to as commensal bacteria), crucially aiding us with processes such as digestion.  Some commensal bacteria also help to protect us against pathogenic bacteria which might otherwise make us sick.  However, you might want to specify the context of the question: is it in reference to ecology, microbiology, etc?
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