
Helpful resources for a single mother being pressured to adopt?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, no one really answered my previous question, but I am interested in sending a response of information to his parents just as some "food for thought" as they have given me.

Are there any printed articles or magazines I can send them regarding the not-so-nice side they don't seem to see with adoption? If you need to hear the background on what I'm talking about, my question is the one posted right before this.




  1. You need to get away from his parents. What's your mate say? YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM HIS PARENTS.

    After the baby is born, they will hopefully have a change of heart.

    Best wishes.

  2. Here is a booklet

  3. You shouldn't be pressured.

  4. Adoption is a gamble. I was adopted by a loving couple who thought they wanted nothing more than to have children. Needless to say, my new mother soon found out that she did not have the gift to love another persons children. This made life a living h**l for many years until she finally left when I was 13. Thank God for my Dad who has always been there for me. In my lifetime I have had 3 mom's and 3 dad's. Needless to say my dad that adopted me is the only one who has always been there for me. I am glad I was placed for adoption my life has been better because of it. Don't let anyone talk you into something you don't want to do. You must have the gift for loving children that are not yours to adopt. And let me tell you straight from the horses mouth, not everyone has this gift!


    Scroll down, on the right hand side there is a list of articles, you could print out a few of these.

    There are research articles on the effects of adoption here.

    Good for you for giving them something to think about.


  7. Primal Wound and  As If Kids Mattered are two books that come to my mind.

    You are 23, youa r emore than capable of thinking for yourself and so is the father. Tell the grandparetns to back off, this is your child not theirs and you have no intention of giving your child away. This is not the 50's where young unmarried women were forced to give their children up for the 'better' and to be 'selfless'.

    I would cut off all ties with them and any mail you get form them just mark return to sender without even opening. If they phone asking why tell them clearly that you have no intention of giving the baby girl up for adoption, you would appreciate that pro-adoption papers not be mailed and that if they can not respect this then it is their loss of a grandchild and not your loss.

    tell them to come to this forum to read of many cases where adoption has hurt the adoptee and the mothers who gave their child up.

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