
Helpful tips for potty training a 2 1/2 y/o?

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my daughter is not quite 2 1/2 and ive been trying to get her potty trained.. any tips?




  1. tips:

    take her to the bathroom with you frequently so she can observe

    celebrate all success!!! Make a big deal out of them.

    DONT use pull-ups, use underwear (except maybe at night)

    don't go back to diapers, ever

    don't use too many bribes, try praise and enthusiasm

    don't get mad about accidents, they are part of the learning process

    have a potty AND a toilet insert so she can decide what is more comfortable

    learning to poo may take a lot longer than pee, be patient.  (You can condition her to go poo on the toilet by having her push down and "try" to poo each time she goes pee.)

    first thing in the morning and right after naps are the best time to catch pee

    set a timer for every 20-30 minutes at first, don't force her to sit, just offer, its her job to prevent accidents not yours, then gradually lengthen the times to about 2 hours.

    consider training bare from the waist down for the first week or so.

    After accidents, have your child practice going from the site of the accident to the potty several times for practice (kinesthetic learning).

    always have your child help clean up accidents.;...

  2. try and reward her with m and m's every time she goes....

  3. My son was around2 or 2 1/2 when he did the potty training thing.  

    I tried EVERYTHING - reward him with toys or candy, rewards chart, underwear instead of pull ups, even taking things away when he pooped his pants... NOTHING worked!

    Then one day I decided to take off his underwear while he was home and let him run around the house with no undies.   Therefore he didn't have anything to "catch" the pee or p**p.  He never had an accident on the floor (thank you Lord).  But I remember the first time he came up to me and said "mommy hurry up I have to p**p I need my underwear."  I said no - he has to p**p on teh potty... And after a little talk - he jumped on the potty and went p**p.  

    Try the no underwear thing..... It might work for some?

  4. Some kids rebel if they are pushed too much to go potty. My nephew was that way. My sister pushed him to use the potty at 2 years old and now at age 4 he will pee on the floor and p**p in a corner. With my son however, I bought him a potty chair on his 2nd bday. I didnt push him but encouraged him if he showed any interest in it. Eventually seeing that I wasnt stressed if he was potty trained or not he started using it on his own. He is now 3 and goes to the bathroom standing up, flushes and washes his hands all on his own. Make it fun, make a game out of it and just take your time. Good luck to you and your daughter!

  5. It can be really difficult. My daughter will be 3 on the 12th and I just got her to start going about 2 weeks ago. She loves it now. I think that they will let you know when they are ready. How I did it is I had one diaper left and I told her, I'm not buying anymore we have one left and they are going to be all  gone. That night I put her to bed with the last diaper and that was it. Im pretty sure she understood what I was saying. The second night she pee'd herself while sleeping and she hasnt done that since. She stays dry through out the whole night now. Good luck

    Mother of a 3 year old and 4 1/2 months prego with second!!

  6. Now a days Doctors don't seemed concerned as much about potty training! Back in the day, children were typically trained by their second birth day!  Mine were all trained by then too! You know with peer pressure and all! I started with mine by "poopy" training them! It is usually easier to tell about when they have to p**p!  I took them as soon as I knew they were about to or had to p**p! Then I made a big deal Praise, Hugs, Kisses, Candy, etc) whatever works! Once they got the concept th rest followed!

  7. this may not work but i did Cheerios tell her to try to hit them it worked for my babies i have three  2,4,6, and a step daughter 8

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