
Help!!!!i have a ten month old that just screams what can i do??

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my daughter goes down for nap at 3pm well she only took a half hour nap and now she is cranky and screaming what should i do?i'm a young and single mother at this momenta nd i'm getting ready to pull my hair long is she supposed to take a nap and how long should i wait until i go into her bedroom to pick her up if i put her in her crib for her nap and she screams. i need advice!!!!




  1. Maybe she is hungry. If she just had a nap, and just awoke, then maybe she is ready for a bottle and a snack. Just be calm and try and make her as comfortable as possible. Try and calm her down by feeding her. Or, she may need a diaper change. Also- another way to help her calm down is to change her scenery-Take her outside! Most babies LOVE the outdoors! Stay calm, because your daughter can sense your stress!  

  2. Why don't you try holding her and rocking her and seeing if this calms her down. She might be tired still but looking for her mothers touch. Just stay calm, you know your baby best.

  3. I would not let her lay and scream at all.  She is probably teething.  My baby is 10.5 months old and is having a hard time too!  His bottom two teeth are trying to come in.  I know it can be frustrating but what I found that helps the most is Momma's loving.  Cuddle her, remember that she is HURTING and has no other way to let you know it.  Teething tablets and Tylenol help.  But mainly nurturing is what is needed.  I just hold my baby, cuddle with him, rub his belly and back, read him a book, dance with him, sing to him... Try to make him giggle.  Stick with soft foods that's easy to gum like grilled cheese.  If you live in Vegas like I do then you really can't take her out during a day like today (it's too fricken HOT!)  but, you can wait till the sun goes down or find a community pool and get some really good sunscreen.  Feel free to E mail me.

    Very best wishes!

  4. She might not have been ready to get up yet, even if she cried.

    I usually leave my twins in there if they were sleeping for less than an hour... but not if they scream or cry longer than 5 or 10 minutes.  Sometimes they go back to sleep.

    She might need to go down for another nap if she's cranky and screaming.

    Try laying down with her on your bed and see what she does.

    Hang in there!  I know it's hard!

  5. She is more than likely teething. Try using some Anbesol for babies. It is a grape teething gel we use it on our daughter and it is a blessing. Also, buy some teething rings and freeze them, this helps them too. My daughter only naps for 30-45 minutes at a time. She is awake for 2-3 hours and then needs a nap.  If she is awake, then go in and get her from her crib, leaving her there crying is just going to make her feel like you are ignoring her and when you get her from her crib when she wakes up, it makes her feel like you are tending to her needs and that she can count on you when she needs you. I hope this has helped, good luck.

  6. If they are not hungry and don't have a load in their pants and you know she's not hurt, then don't go in until she quits.  If she is screaming for attention and you go in you have trained her to scream for mom.  (you can march in check the pants and leave if you need to)

    This will be hard but it will get better fast.  We had one scream for 45min so you may need ear plugs.  The next time it was 20min, then 10 or 5.

    I think nap time is mom time.  So give yourself at least an hour if she sleeps for 2 it's okay.  She may not sleep, but she has to stay in bed.  Once you get past the screaming part it will be your hour.  If you are having trouble with her sleeping at night you may want to move the nap to 2pm.

  7. yep i have a 1 yo , scream s, shouts barely sleeps , tantrums etc , she also kicks off when i try get her to sleep

    is she screaming as in crying or just making a noise screaming , the latter im told is for attention , the crying is probably cus she dont want you leaving her alone , i cant leave myne for a second without the paddy

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