
Help!!i need to know ur opinions!!!!!!thx

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so this girl i know is 2 grades ahead of me (im a freshmen shes a junior)we both like eachother alot...she keeps on telling me how much she likes me and how she hopes we go out.....i wanna go out with her but i think she may be to old for me......tell me how to give 10 points....and i will give the best answer ten points

help me please




  1. If you like each other, i dont see any harm in going out together. It's not as though you are going to marry her. Take her out a few times and see how you feel

  2. if you truly like eachother, age shouldnt matter. but if your worried about it just talk to her about it. it never hurts to take a few risks. get some courage and just make a move!

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