
Help!i took ideas from a guy's work for computer igcse coursework...?

by  |  earlier

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as in he submitted it atleast 4 years before.i got it from a friend.i used the similar ideas,format but i made sure i changed every single word which has an easy synonym.and my tables were similar but fields were different.its not exactly cheating either.i got half the ideas from net and half from this.will they find out?i doubt it.




  1. Some exam boards now use a system to check the work entered for anything similar on the net. Plagiarism I think it's called.

  2. well i doubt it...because let me tell u...afta i finished ma friend micheal had 2 days to write the algorithm, complete the documentations and the rest of the stuff...n since both of us were using C++..i offered him to hav a look at ma coursework...n well lyk i expected...he basicaly copied a lot from mine...n it was obvious to me...but ma teacher didnt think it was that i got a good grade n he got a 87...which is gud...n well the oda gurl is ryt...they do hav a software that tells them if u use the internet a lil too much! but as u said if its onli the ideas then u shouldn't worry...out of about 1000 books sent there...many of them will be very similar as mist of us use similar u shuldnt worry...thats wat i think...bles-sed! reply soon...


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