
Help!im so scared??

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okay if you belive in ghosts answer if not then dont bother. im in my house only my dad is here! and he is in the living room he doesnt belive in ghosts. i can hear and sense ghosts and i am sensing one right now. and i felt pressure on my shoulder a lil while ago. and im scared to go to bed alone cause thats when ghosts bother me! so im all alone. what should i do!!!!!





  1. Calm down first.  If the spirit is coming to you, you have a gift.  Relax.  Ghosts, as you call them, aren't here to hurt you!  If they are bothering you, then my suggestion is that you try to find out why.  They can be extremely pushy when they are here, as spirits come for a reason.  You are obviously not alone as your dad is there.  Relax, breathe, close your eyes and listen.  For awhile you will only hear your breathing.  If you are really sensing a spirit, you should be able to figure out - not hear exactly - what they need from you.  Relax, sweetie, this really is a gift.

  2. They can't hurt you, just calm down and remain that way. If you can sense ghosts just try to tune into what they are trying to say; pay attention to what you are feeling and how they are affecting you.

    If you want to get away from them, I would suggest getting closer to the ground floor and near your dad. Although stay away from the stairs, because that is most commonly where ghosts manifest themselves visually.

    Good luck :)

  3. I agree with her,just relax and calm down.I know what your going through really.I get really scared at the times when this happens to me i can hear them i dont sense them,I can see them and its more terrifying to see them.The only advice i can give you is to just relax and if it happens again just go sit with your dad.People tell me that ghost are most likely to come again if they know you are scared of them i dont know if its true or not,i hope not.Anyways just go with her anwser mine is just jibber jabber but just relax,close your eyes and take in the world around you,if you know that they are there try to find out why.Usually restless ghost stay on earth because of a love one or they want you to find out something in there life that went wrong.I dont really know that much but thats all i have to say,good luck :( i hope it helps.

  4. close your eyes and take a deep breath, secondly ghosts are probally attracted to you, because you got some gifts....congrats lol, anyway if you dont want them to bother you get a white candle light it, and say "in the name of the savior i seal this house from evil, I call upon the Archangel Michael, the viceroy of heaven, to protect my house with his light, for I am a (son or daughter) of god, and I call upon the heavens to protect and seal my home!" mean it though and dont let any anger rise if it worked youll know it immeaditly

  5. First of all, I'm going to go about this from a scientifical view foremost. This way, you can try and convince your father that waht your experiancing is real.

    There are three types of hauntings. Intellegent, residual and poltergiest. From what you have said, it would seem all three could be present.


    This means it is actaully capable of regestering that you are there. It understands what you are saying and may wish to communicate.

    This is when the actual spirit is still grounded to this world but not on the same plane of existance.

    If you wish to comunicate-

    There are three forms of communication or detection. Signals that show responses, EVP, or Appirition.

    The easiest way to communicate is by signals. Most of the time, it would take less energy for the spirit to do a simple task such as roll a ball or switch on a light. In this case, the pressure on your shoulders could just be it's way of saying "I'm here."

    The second would be EVP, or Eletrical Voice Phenominon. This is where you use a good quality recorder and ask questions with pauses in between to give the spirit time to collect energy and respond. Since they are not on our plane, we can very rarely hear their voices with our own ears. The recorder is able to tune into the frequency the spirits speak on and can feed it back to you. However, sometimes a spirit may be strong enough or have a lot of energy stored that they can make their voices heard to you plain as day. it all depends on the spirit. There are chances that they may say something that has nothing ti do with what you said. If it sounds as if it is refering to you however, it is intellegent, If not it is likely risidual. That's for later though.

    The third is to ask it to show itself, where if it chooses to, it will attempt to give a visual pressence of itself. An appirition.

    Now other than communicating directly, if you want a sign of their presence, a way to do this is by using infered cameras. These show heat and cold sources. This helps because it is believed that when spirits collect energy, it can create cold spots, an area where the heat/energy has been drained. Ever walked into a room that was really warm and ever hit a cold spot that had no source or explanation? It's possible that it was a cold spot. Not every cold spot is a spirit but it can be a sign that one is nearby. Infered can even show you the outline or heat source of a spirit. You must make sure what each source is though. If you can't see the source with your own eyes, and it has a figure on the moniter, it's most likely a spirit. Or at least an unexplained anomaly.

    The forms of communication and detection I suggested are tangable, ones that you can share with others and document if you want. So you can prove to another that you really see or hear these things.  

    Also, all spirits can have the ability to give off a certain sent that is attached to them. An old lady may have perfume, where as an old man may smell of cigars. The smell you gave could however give way to a past event, such as the land or house where you live had once had fire set to it, or it could be given of by a poltergiest. I'll tell you more of them later.

    Residual is not so much a spirit, but the memory of a person in a semi-tangible form. It is an imprint of energy from a deceased person in our current plane of existance. These 'spirits' or 'memories' are ones that repeat themselves and show no comprehension of your existance. Things that occur at certain times on certain days are examples of this. Smells can be residual, a memory.

    Now for this one. Poletergiests. If you feel threatened, it is possible that this is what is occuring.

    Poltergiests are not quite human entities that are violent and have viscious ways of showing it is present, they are intellegent in the form of knowing they exist and that you exist and that they don't think you should exist where they do. The phrase 'A ghost can't hurt you' is only partially true. Risiduals could care less, they're just memories. Intellegent ones wouldn't harm you unless provoked or upset and don't know how to respond, or if they don't want you around. This rarely occurs. Poltergiests are the exception, they will hurt you. Why? Because they can. Forms of this can include random red marks, scratches on your body that you have no idea how they happened, forcefulness of the spirit as in pushing you or shoving you down stairs. This can happen. However, the presence of poltergiests are extreamly rare and mostly only occur in areas that are filled with negative energy and has experianced a bad past. This is the best setting for them because unlike intellegent hauntings, poltergiests feed off of these negative energies and bad past events to fuel their anger and power, rather than absorbe energy.

    If they show up as an appirition it is most similar to a black mass that has no definate shape. The voice on a recorder of such an entity is harsh, deep and demonic sounding. If it is from one, you will be able to tell.

    If it is one of the first two, you have nothing to worry about. Try communicating if you wish or simply tell them that it is your home and that you would appreciate it if they left you alone. If they don't understand, simply ignore them and eventually the will realise you don't want them around. I have done both personally and both have worked for me.

    For the poltergiest situation however,  i suggest you take imediate action. If you feel threatened in any way as if it were to hurt you, tell it to leave you alone forcefully and with confidence. If it persists and hurts you, document the action and talk to your father about it, try capturing proof. Then have him contact some one to do a proper exorcism. This works 9 times out of 10. If by the 1 out of 10 chance that these things do not work, the only other choice would be to move. This is so because normally, they are attached to places. If it's attached to you personally, you need to speak with a person who does spiritual cleansings such as exorcisms about it.

    There are most likely other ways that consist of spirtual guidance and such, but these never gave physical evidence. Something it seems you deffinately need. However, I can't tell you what to do. All I can do is tell you what I know and can suggest some things you could do. The actions you take from here are your choices.

    If you have any other questions and liked my answers, please feel free to ask.

  6. Its okay i agree with them say those prayers, and find out if it is a male or female if you cant oh well its not that important, but maybe they passed away somewhere near or inside your house and just want someone to help them or talk to them it might even be a relative trying to communicate with you.  If you feel threatend by them or it (if they are moving objects or trying to frighten you extremely) then you need to just keep praying and they will go away, i hate to say it but if they are threatening you in any EXTREME frightfull way like you feel like they are meaning to do it they are living off of your fear.  But if you feel like it is good energy pray for them b.c every good spirit deserves to pass on to heaven with God and live an eternal happy life

    praying is the answer for me

  7. One thing calm down ghosts can sense fear also show them your bonderys tell them they do not belong there and they should go were the lord would send them they do not belong there any more and they need to move on and if they still keep bothering you get a priest to cleanse the house.

  8. One way to deal with this is to go ahead and allow your self to continue with this fantasy and imagine that the ghost is coming toward you with a package for you and when you open the package you find it filled with hundreds of gold coins for you because the ghost that you are afraid of is really a good spirit trying to send you abundance & joy.

    Another option is to put on your protective 'shell' so that no harm will come to you.

    You could also say a prayer:

    "I surround myself with the protection of almighty God and in the name of Jesus Christ say that NOTHING shall get through to hurt me."

    You could also perform some kind of ritual that gets rid of the ghosts.

    Saying something like:

    "I seal my bedroom with the love of God and say that all that is not of God be gone from this place forever, Amen"

    Another thing to think about is whether or not you are afraid of your Father, and if so, why?

    Another thing to do would be to take some deep breaths in & out and say to yourself, "I'm aware that fear is in my mind right now, but I'm okay."

  9. face your fear & try to you have a dvr?ask questions.don't assume they mean you harm.
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